OutsiderView was launched in 2020 to serve amateur snorkelers and divers all over the world. Our objective is to produce the highest-quality content about water activities that you can find online.
We put a lot of effort into everything we publish, to make sure that what we share with you is true, credible, relevant, and helpful. Unlike many online publications in this industry, we’re independently owned and operated—not beholden to any brands.
Seawater and freshwater
Both seawater and freshwater have a seat at the table with the board of directors (which is really just Nick and Jon, two guys who liked the water enough to make a website about it):
- Our co-founder Nick is a native of Key West, Florida, and spends a lot of his free time on or in the water.
- Our other co-founder Jon is a native of Sweden, and lives outside a fishing village by the largest lake in Europe (excluding Russia!).
Not our first rodeo
OutsiderView actually isn’t our first rodeo in the digital media space. While both Nick and Jon have full-time jobs as marketers (Jon is a brand strategist and designer), Nick also runs Herbs at Home, a website about growing herbs at home (duh) and has previously run websites in the pet industry, among other things.
We know how to create great, helpful content and will use that experience (along with our knowledge of water activities) to make OutsiderView the best resource for water activities you can find.